Hopefully a chronic of things I have been up with gaps spanning no more than a decade ;)

It feels like most of my time is spend re-searching (rediscovering existing) ideas. But then once in a while I think "Wow this is interesting! Why has nobody tried to work on that part/branch and extend it.". In the average case, people have worked and researched most topics once I continue looking...

After finishing my work on updating the BWAPI-Mono-Bridge2, I again decided to work on StarCraft for a final demontration of my idea of intelligent plan switching.

The Bridge is an updated version of someone else's work which did not work anymore when I wanted to allow Bath students to work on Sta...

Today I got up before doing 7 hours of tutoring and was surprised by a mail from google. They stop their hosting service as no one seems to need it any more ...

Hmm I know I am not representative but I thought if you set up an open-source hosting service you downscale at some point but you don't s...

I've been busy with the current implementation of a grammar based GP into POSH#. (I am still intending to implement a version of Behavior-based Genetic Programming )Having a GP create agent behaviour is not really that new, but having it create human modifiable dynamic plans which can be changed and...

I am currently attending the CIG2014 conference in Dortmund to present my paper on a "The Extended Ramp Goal Model: Low Cost Behaviour Arbitration for Real-Time Controllers". Additionally, I am enjoying the other talks on game AI and the chance to meet loads of interesting people and friends ;)
