Hopefully a chronic of things I have been up with gaps spanning no more than a decade ;)

Early into 2020 I was invited to attend an event from the SWCTN where I met Movement Artist Silvia Carderelli-Gronau 2. As a result and outcome of the event Silvia and I found, that we have a shared interest in using technology that does not inhibit but non-invasively supports humans to perfor...

After working a reasonably long time now on game based environments to develop posh-sharp, I wanted to see how well I can get the framework working in robotic applications. As I am also working on a new social robotic approach for a year now, which I cannot disclose yet, I thought about working on...

It has been nearly a year since my PhD was submitted .

Wait,... No, ... it has been a year by now.

Time rushes by and Dr. Gaudl is working on software/apps, on research and on somehow finding balance of life (if such a thing exists.)

In April 2016, I started working as part of the MetaMakers h...


  • Finished the PhD;
  • picked up new work at the Metamakers Institute in Falmouth;
  • working on iOS app and researching Computational Creativity trying to work on side-projects

I finished my PhD on building robust game AI in May 2016 with minor typographical corrections (I had tons of hel...

It feels like most of my time is spend re-searching (rediscovering existing) ideas. But then once in a while I think "Wow this is interesting! Why has nobody tried to work on that part/branch and extend it.". In the average case, people have worked and researched most topics once I continue looking...